Addressing Difficulties in Working with Subtraction
The Spots Connection
School News for May, 2016
Addressing Difficulties in Working with Subtraction!
*|IF:FNAME|* Dear *|FNAME|* *|LNAME|*, *|ELSE:|* Dear Principals and Teachers, *|END:IF|*
Recently, we were approached for support by a school in which some students were dependent on the Dot Cards and could not solve subtraction examples through 10 without having Dot Cards available for reference. These students didn’t understand the counting processes, so they didn’t know how to count back or count up, even with using their fingers.
We found the following recommendations helpful.
Be sure to use Drop-It form #2. Students must be actively involved in review, through writing. Having the class as a whole identify in unison what’s on the card is not enough, as many students tend to tune out. (Some of the warm-ups do consist of flashing the concept representation cards and having the class identify the number sentences in unison, without writing. It is not always practical to use a Drop-It form, due to time constraints.) Using the Drop-It form to reinforce the warm-up is more helpful than just flashing the cards without having the students write.
We have found that for some students it’s best to flash each concept representation card briefly two times (and to guide students regarding which component to focus on each time the card is flashed: first on the minuend and then on the subtrahend), and then, only after the students have recorded the number sentence, to have them figure out and write how much is left. This ensures that students develop the thinking process involved in solving the problem. Students may need help at first to learn how to figure it out. For example, when showing 8 – 2: Show the card briefly (for one second) and ask: How many are there in all? [8; have the students fill in 8 on the Drop-It form] Show the card again briefly and ask: How many are we taking away? [2; have the students fill in –2] Do not show the card again. Ask: We have 8 minus 2; how much is left? What is the difference? Let’s think which dots were crossed off: dot 8 and dot 7. So how much is left? [6; have students fill in the difference.]
For subtracting a lot, the focus should be on counting the dots that are left. For example, when showing 9 – 7, say: We cross off 7. Dot 8 and dot 9 are left; there are two left. It might be helpful to put out fingers (to help keep track) as you “count” the dots that are left.
For some students it was better not to use the term count on at first.
Some students (such as those with language processing issues) were sometimes confused and would say that there are 10 left, rather than that dot #10 is left. In such a case, it was helpful to show the card a third time at first, to help the student “see” how much is left. Have him/her first record the difference and then discuss which dots were left. For example, for the problem 10 – 8, say: There are two dots left: Dot 9 and dot 10 are left.
We have also found that some students could not easily identify the number that comes before another number, or one less than a number. We recommended the following activity for practice: Have students put out a given number of counters (first on their blank Dot Boards, and, at a later stage, directly onto their desks), then have them take away one to show one number less than the starting number. Have students identify the number and then use the counters to see if they were correct.
You can also practice counting back, first from 10 to 1, then from 9 to 1, and so on.
From our communication with principals and teachers, we know that most of you aren’t experiencing these issues. On the contrary, generally your students can add and subtract through 10 fluently without referring to the Dot Cards (some do use their fingers, which is okay). Nevertheless, in some cases – such as with a particularly challenging class, severe time constraints, teacher turnover in the middle of the year, etc. – these issues may present. If this happens, please refer to the above recommendations as general guidelines, and do contact us for specific guidance.
First Grade Summer Math Homework Sheets; Practice Fluency till 10; End-of-the-Year Assessment Forms; We will be attending the School Textbook Fair on Wed. May 11th at Anshei Sefard
First Grade Summer Math Homework Sheets; Practice Fluency till 10; End-of-the-Year Assessment Forms!
*|IF:FNAME|* Dear *|FNAME|* *|LNAME|*, *|ELSE:|* Dear Principals and Teachers, *|END:IF|*
As per the request of some schools, we are happy to provide you with math sheets for your students’ summer review. These sheets can be collated into a booklet. Click on the link below to download them. Also, feel free to copy any sheet from the Practice Book that you’d like to include in your homework booklet.
If you are unable to download any of these files, please inform us in a reply to this message, and we will send them as an e-mail attachment.
P.S. Please remind the teachers, as they wrap up the year, to continue to practice the addition and subtraction facts to 10, to ensure that their students are fluent with them without needing to refer to the Dot Cards.
We will be attending the School Textbook Fair on Wednesday May 11th at Anshei Sefard
We will be attending the Bais Yaakov of Midwood's 37th annual School Textbook & Software Exhibition for Yeshivos and Day schools on Wednesday, May 11th 2016 at the ballroom of Anshei Sefard 1370 45th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219 from 11:00am till 5:00pm. If you plan to attend the fair, please stop by our table to say hello. You will be able to take a closer look at our new material and we can answer any questions you may have.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or email. We are here to assist you in your math teaching journey.
Sara Gitty Weiss, Program Author
Spots Educational Resources
(718) 306-9898 [email protected]
Kindergarten Teacher’s Edition has been mailed directly to schools
*|IF:FNAME|*Dear *|TITLE:FNAME|* *|TITLE:LNAME|*,*|ELSE:|*Dear Principals and Teachers,*|END:IF|*
We are happy to announce that our spiral-bound Kindergarten Teacher’s Edition has been mailed directly to all schools. When you receive it, please distribute it promptly to your kindergarten teachers. If you haven’t received it by March 31st, please contact us (it was sent via USPS with tracking confirmation).
We remind teachers and principals to save their Teacher’s Edition at the end of the school year, so that it will be available for use the following year.
If you are unable to download this file, please inform us in a reply to this message, and we will send it as an e-mail attachment.
Grade 1 Teleconference Playback Line
We would like to inform you that we have recorded the midyear support teleconference that took place on March 8th, for anyone who may have missed it or who would appreciate another opportunity to listen to it. The teleconference and the Q&A session should give you a greater appreciation for the program as well as practical advice on how to tailor it to your needs if you are falling behind in the pacing.
The call-in number for the recording is: (559) 670-1694.
Spots for M.A.T.H. Mid-Year Support Teleconference for first-grade teachers next Tuesday, March 8th from 9PM - 9:45PM!
*|IF:FNAME|*Dear *|TITLE:FNAME|* *|TITLE:LNAME|*,*|ELSE:|*Dear Principals and Teachers,*|END:IF|*
This is to remind you about our mid-year support teleconference for first-grade teachers that will take place on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 from 9:00 PM till 9:45 PM. A question and answer period will follow. If you have specific questions that you would like to be addressed, please email or fax your questions in advance.
Conference Instructions:
To join the teleconference, dial conference number: (718) 362-6446. (Should there be any issues with our local number, please call (760) 569-7676 and enter access code: 403242#).
Q&A Session - At the end of conference there will be a Question & Answer session where participants will be able to ask questions by pressing *6 and the host will then un-mute participants so that they may ask their question.
Please notify your first-grade staff of the schedule listed below or post it in your teachers room, so they can plan accordingly. Staff can include, but is not limited to, leadership staff, teaching team, and support staff as applicable.
If you are unable to download the schedule sheet below, please inform us by replying to this message, and we will send it to you as an e-mail attachment.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or email. We are here to assist you in your math teaching journey.
*|IF:FNAME|* Dear *|FNAME|* *|LNAME|*, *|ELSE:|* Dear Principals and Teachers, *|END:IF|*
Some schools requested that we make changes to the Zero Board at the end of Volume I of the Grade 1 Student Book. They requested that the Zero Board be moved further away from the spine of the book and that scissor cut-marks be added to make it easier for students to cut out the board. When that change was made, an error occurred in the printing process: On the empty ten boards and on the empty twenty boards, some of the green and red squares were switched. We apologize for that.
This can be fixed using blank white address labels. Use either the original brand or something comparable to Avery® 5160 Easy Peel White Address Labels for Laser Printers (1” x 2-5/8”, 30 per sheet).
For the empty ten board, give each student one label to cover the boxes representing the numbers 5 and 6, and have them color it with crayons in the proper way. We have included a corrected file; click here or on the link below to download it. Hang the corrected file on the board in the classroom, so that students will color their labels correctly, making the “5” box green and the “6” box red.
Similarly, for the empty twenty board, give each student two white address labels, one for the ten side and one for the ones side, and have them color each one in the proper way, by following the corrected model on your board.
Kindergarten Teacher's Guide; Number Writing Practice Sheets!
Our complete perfect-bound Kindergarten Teacher's Guide will be ready at the beginning of December, at which time it will be mailed directly to all schools.
We included handwriting sheets as part of your Teacher's Resource Book to reinforce both the writing of the numbers and the concept of the Dot Cards. If you do not have it, click here or on the link below to download it
Pacing and Planning Guide for a Successful Year in Math Teaching
*|IF:FNAME|* Dear *|FNAME|* *|LNAME|*, *|ELSE:|* Dear Principals and Teachers, *|END:IF|*
You know, they say that if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else. We believe this truism applies to teaching more than to anything else! Planning out the day, the week, the month, and the year is essential to success. We at Spots Educational Resources are working hard to provide you with the best tools and resources for a successful year of math teaching. We’ve included herein the Spots for M.A.T.H. Pacing Guide for Grade 1, School Year 2015-16.
If you are unable to download the file, please inform us by replying to this message, and we will send it to you as an e-mail attachment.
Reminder! Professional Development in Boro Park Tomorrow Sep. 1st @1:15pm!
This is to remind you regarding our professional development scheduled for this Tuesday for all schools coming on board with the Spots for M.A.T.H. Grade 1 program in September 2015. If you have not registred yet, please go to or click on the link below. Alternatively, you can reply to this e-mail with the names of staff members who are planning to attend.
Boro Park
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Time: 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Location: Bais Rachel School of Satmar, 5301 14th Avenue, 5th Floor (High School), Brooklyn, NY 11219
Please make sure to arrive promptly. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Online Webinar Training
If you were unable to attend any of our training sessions, we are offering a live webinar, which have been quite successful in our work with schools. A webinar can take place at your school’s office or anywhere that has a computer with internet and phone access.
Online Webinar
Date: Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Time: 9:00 p.m. to 10:15 p.m.
Click here to register, or reply to this e-mail, and we will send you the slide presentation handouts, which you may print before the webinar for attendees to use. Please have your Teacher’s Edition handy during the webinar. Conference instructions and slide presentation handouts are also available at Since this webinar will be conducted online, please determine in advance that your internet filter settings allow you to access these links.
Grade 2 Bridge Telephone Training!
To help second-grade teachers become familiar with the models and strategies of the program, we provide an extensive introduction in the Stepping Up Grade 2 Teacher's Edition. We also provide a telephone recording of teacher training and summary of the main points and strategies used in Spots for M.A.T.H., to familiarize you with your students’ math background and number sense. We hope this will help you to understand the way your students’ math minds work and to apply this to the new math concepts and skills that you will be teaching throughout second grade. Our hotline number for teacher training and program strategies is: 559-670-1694. The telephone recording is available now. Pressing 2 will rewind one minute
Pressing 3 will fast forward one minute
Pressing 8 will pause/resume
We hope you will enjoy the math minds your students are bringing with them to your class, and we wish you much success in the coming school year.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or e-mail. We are here to assist you in your math teaching journey.
With best wishes for a כתיבה וחתימה טובה!
Sara Gitty Weiss, Program Author
Spots Educational Resources
W: (718) 306-9898 [email protected]
Invitation to Professional Development Event in Boro Park.
Dear Principals and Teachers,
We hope you are enjoying a restful and relaxing summer! At Spots for M.A.T.H., we are working hard to provide you with the best tools and resources for a successful year in Math teaching.
We are pleased to announce our professional development schedule for the coming school year. This is our initial training session for all schools coming on board with the Spots for M.A.T.H. program in September 2015. Please notify your first-grade staff of the schedule listed below, so they can plan accordingly. Staff can include, but is not limited to, leadership staff, teaching team, and support staff as applicable.
Special note for schools already using the program: If you have any staff changes or new hires, please pass on this registration information to them as well.
To register, please go to: or click on the link below. Alternatively, you can reply to this e-mail with the names of staff members who are planning to attend.
Boro Park
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Time: 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Location: Bais Rachel School of Satmar, 5301 14th Avenue, 5th Floor (High School), Brooklyn, NY 11219
Please make sure to arrive promptly. Looking forward to seeing you there!
We will announce our Online Webinar Training Schedule on Monday, August 24, 2015.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or e-mail. We are here to assist you in your math teaching journey.
Have a great summer!
Sara Gitty Weiss, Program Author
Spots Educational Resources
W: (718) 306-9898 [email protected]
*|IF:FNAME|* Dear *|FNAME|* *|LNAME|*, *|ELSE:|* Dear Principals and Teachers, *|END:IF|*
As the school year draws to a close, we are pleased to offer you our Grade 2 Stepping Up Program. This will help your second-grade teachers review the first-grade curriculum with their classes, using the Spots for M.A.T.H. strategies and materials. The worksheets follow the lesson format and employ the methods that are familiar to the students. Your teachers will be able to skip the corresponding second-grade math lessons in the series your school is using.
To properly implement the program, we recommend that your teachers use the Spots for M.A.T.H. magnetic dry-erase Dot Boards and magnetic counters. For additional reinforcement, we recommend hanging the First-Addend and Teen Number banners in the classroom. The price for the Grade 2 Stepping Up Classroom Resources, which includes all teaching resources, is $99.00 per class. See below for school ordering information.
When they finish this chapter, the students will have reviewed the foundational math skills and will be prepared to learn new material.
For the student pages, you are free to make your own copies, or you can purchase each student's booklet for the nominal fee of $2.50. See below for school ordering information. A PDF version of the Teacher's Edition and student pages of our Stepping Up Grade 2 review booklets are available as a free download by clicking on the links below. Please distribute them to your Grade 2 teachers at once so they can review them and prepare during their summer vacation.
Title: Spots for Math - Stepping Up Classroom Resources - Grade 2 (includes all teaching resources)
Price: $99.00
Item #: 800294157
Funding: NYSTL & NYSSL
Vendor for NYC: S.H.I.
Title: Spots for Math - Stepping Up Grade 2: Student Booklet
Price: $2.50
ISBN #: 9780989316811 Item #: SFM-82
Funding: NYSTL
Vendor: Spots ~ Vendor for NYC: Leren
For Lakewood, NJ and East Ramapo, NY Title: Spots for Math - Stepping Up Class Kit (Grade 2): includes all teaching resources Price: $99.00 Item #: SFM-83 Vendor: Spots
Telephone Training!
To help second-grade teachers become familiar with the models and strategies of the program, we provide an extensive introduction. We also provide a telephone recording of teacher training and summary of the main points and strategies used in Spots for M.A.T.H., to familiarize you with your students’ math background and number sense. We hope this will help you to understand the way your students’ math minds work and to apply this to the new math concepts and skills that you will be teaching throughout second grade. Our hotline number for teacher training and program strategies is: 559-670-1694. The telephone recording will be available from July 31, 2015.
We hope you will enjoy the math minds your students are bringing with them to your class, and we wish you much success in the coming school year.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or email. We are here to assist you in your math teaching journey.
Have a refreshing, rewarding summer!
Sara Gitty Weiss, Program Author
Spots Educational Resources
(718) 306-9898 [email protected]
Summer Math Homework Sheets; Practice Fluency till 10; End-of-the-Year Assessment Forms!
Dear Principals and Teachers,
As per the request of some schools, we are happy to provide you with math sheets for your students’ summer review. These sheets can be collated into a booklet. Click on the link below to download them. Also, feel free to copy any sheet from the Practice Book that you’d like to include in your homework booklet.
If you are unable to download any of these files, please inform us in a reply to this message, and we will send them as an e-mail attachment.
P.S. Please remind the teachers, as they wrap up the year, to continue to practice the addition and subtraction facts to 10, to ensure that their students are fluent with them without needing to refer to the Dot Cards.
Sara Gitty Weiss, Program Author
Spots Educational Resources
(718) 306-9898 [email protected]
Copyright *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.
Our Contact Information is:
Phone: (718) 306-9898
As we know, fluency is achieved through practice and review. Spots for M.A.T.H. provides lesson warm-ups as well as the Focus Standards and Facts Fluency Practice Book to develop your students’ fluency. Following our system, if, for example, math is taught four times a week, we include eight weekly practice and review aids: four warm-ups and four practice sheets.
One principal expressed a concern that her students could not take home the practice book to do homework. She requested another form of practice to help her students achieve fluency in math facts, asking if they could use flash cards instead.
We have now introduced an alternative practice tool: Double-Sided Flash Cards. These flash cards help achieve fluency through practice and review, when sending home math homework is not an option. Please click on the link below to view them.
This tool, which is compact and easy to handle, allows for faster, more efficient and fun practice sessions. Students need not write answers; they can have a parent or sibling work with them, or they can work with the flash cards independently.
The flash cards are practical and easy to use; each card has a color-coded border, indicating a chapter in the math book, and they are printed on card stock, so they can be placed on a key ring. The flash cards come in a classroom pack of 25 sets, for the teacher to distribute to students for each chapter.
If you are interested in this practice tool to help develop your students’ fluency, please click on the link below and fill out our quick and easy online form to choose to receive these cards instead of the Focus Standards and Facts Fluency Practice Book. You can also contact us via phone or e-mail, or fax us at (718) 350-8876, to inform us of your choice. You must notify us of your selection by June 15, 2015. We will grant permission for those schools that choose the flash cards option to make copies of specific practice book worksheets.
If you wish to receive the standard practice book rather than the flash cards, no reply is necessary.
If you are unable to click on the above link, please inform us of your selection by replying to this e-mail. If you cannot view the image of the Double-Sided Flash Cards, we will be happy to send it to you as an e-mail attachment.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or email. We are here to assist you in your math teaching journey.
Sara Gitty Weiss, Program Author
Spots Educational Resources
(718) 306-9898 [email protected]
Copyright *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.
Our Contact Information is:
Phone: (718) 306-9898
Spots for M.A.T.H. Mid-Year Support Teleconference next Tuesday, January 13th from 9PM - 10PM!
Dear Principals and Teachers,
This is to remind you about our mid-year support teleconference that will take place on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 from 9:00 PM till 10:00 PM. A question and answer period will follow. If you have specific questions that you would like to be addressed, please email or fax your questions in advance.
Conference Instructions:
To join the teleconference, dial conference number: (718) 362-6446. (Should there be any issues with our local number, please call (760) 569-7676 and enter access code: 403242).
Q&A Session - At the end of conference there will be a Question & Answer session where participants will be able to ask questions by pressing *6 and the host will then un-mute participants so that they may ask their question.
Please notify your first-grade staff of the schedule listed below or post it in your teachers room, so they can plan accordingly. Staff can include, but is not limited to, leadership staff, teaching team, and support staff as applicable.
If you are unable to download the schedule sheet below, please inform us by replying to this message, and we will send it to you as an e-mail attachment.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or email. We are here to assist you in your math teaching journey.
This is to remind you regarding our professional development scheduled for this Wednesday for those who were unable to attend our previous training session. To register, please go to or click on the link below. Alternatively, you can reply to this e-mail with the names of staff members who are planning to attend.
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Location: Bnos Yaakov Pupa, 1402 40 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218
Please make sure to arrive promptly.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or e-mail. We are here to assist you in your math teaching journey.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Sara Gitty Weiss, Program Author
Spots Educational Resources
W: (718) 306-9898 [email protected]
The Spots Connection School News for September 2014
Pacing and Planning Guide for a Successful Year in Math Teaching
Professional Development; Option B after Sukkos.
Dear Principals and Teachers,
You know, they say that if you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up somewhere else. We believe this truism applies to teaching more than to anything else! Planning out the day, the week, the month, and the year is essential to success. We at Spots Educational Resources are working hard to provide you with the best tools and resources for a successful year of math teaching. We’ve included herein the Spots for M.A.T.H. Pacing Guide for Grade 1, School Year 2014-15.
If you are unable to download the file, please inform us by replying to this message, and we will send it to you as an e-mail attachment.
Professional Development in Boro Park; Option B after Sukkos.
This is to update you on our professional development for those who were unable to attend our previous training sessions. To register, please go to or click on the link below. Alternatively, you can reply to this e-mail with the names of staff members who are planning to attend.
Boro Park - Option B: Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Location: Bnos Yaakov Pupa, 1402 40 Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218
Please make sure to arrive promptly. Looking forward to seeing you there!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or e-mail. We are here to assist you in your math teaching journey.
With best wishes for a כתיבה וחתימה טובה!
Sara Gitty Weiss, Program Author
Spots Educational Resources
W: (718) 306-9898 [email protected]
Invitation to Professional Development Events in Boro Park (2 options), Monsey & Lakewood.
Dear Principals and Teachers,
We hope you are enjoying a restful and relaxing summer! At Spots for M.A.T.H., we are working hard to provide you with the best tools and resources for a successful year in Math teaching.
We are pleased to announce our professional development schedule for the coming school year. This is our initial training session for all schools coming on board with the Spots for M.A.T.H. program in September 2014. Please notify your first-grade staff of the schedule listed below, so they can plan accordingly. Staff can include, but is not limited to, leadership staff, teaching team, and support staff as applicable.
Special note for schools already using the program: If you have any staff changes or new hires, please pass on this registration information to them as well.
Please click on the link below to register for any of the Professional Development events, or reply to this e-mail with the names of staff who are planning to attend.
Boro Park
You may attend the training event on either date:
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Location: Bnos Zion of Bobov, 5000 14th Ave, 4th Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11219 or:
Date: Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: TBA
Date: Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Time: 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Location: Bnos Yisroel Viznitz, 229 Maple Avenue, Monsey, NY 10952
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2014
Time: 2:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Location: TBA
Please make sure to arrive promptly. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Book Ordering Information
For those schools that have already placed their orders, we wish to express our appreciation for your continued interest in our program, and special thanks for submitting your order early. All orders are being processed and will be delivered by the last week in August.
For schools that haven't placed their orders yet, we're including FAMIS Portal ordering information for those located in New York City. Our vendor number for Purchase Orders placed with the East Ramapo Central School District is 009828; our vendor number for the Lakewood Board of Education is 12057.
Student Textbook; Set of 2 Volumes. Includes FREE Workbooks for Classroom Orders:
Spots for Math - First Grade Mathbook Student's Edition - Set of 2 Volumes
FAMIS Item #: 902100793
Price: $35.50
Publisher Name: Spots Educational Resources
Program Name: Spots for MATH
ISBN-13: 9780985112981
Vendor: Leren Education Center
We are pleased to announce that our teachers’ resources for classroom use, which includes all teaching resources, is available to order on the FAMIS Portal with software (NYSSL) funding.
Spots for Math - Complete Teachers Resources - Common Core Edition
FAMIS Item #: 800258096
Vendor: Software House International
Price: $440.00
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or e-mail. We are here to assist you in your math teaching journey.
Have a great summer!
Sara Gitty Weiss, Program Author
Spots Educational Resources
W: (718) 306-9898 [email protected]
As the school year comes to a close, we hereby provide you with our Grade 2 Stepping Up Program. This will help your teachers review the first-grade curriculum with their class, using the Spots for M.A.T.H. strategies and materials. The worksheets follow the lesson format and methods that the students are familiar with. Your teachers will be able to skip the corresponding second-grade math lessons of the series your school is using.
To properly implement the program, we recommend your teachers use the Spots for MA.T.H. magnetic dry-erase Dot Boards and magnetic counters. For additional reinforcement, we recommend hanging the First-Addend an Teen Number banners in the classroom. Please visit our online store for more details and to order.
When they finish this chapter, the students will have reviewed the foundational math skills and will be prepared to learn new material. Click on the link below to download the files. Please distribute it to your Grade 2 teachers at once so they can review and prepare themselves during their summer vocation.
If you are unable to download the files, please inform us by replying to this message, and we will send it as an e-mail attachment.
Invitation to Professional Development - September 2, 2014 - Brooklyn Schools*
We are happy to announce our Professional Development scheduale for next school year. This refers to our initial training session for all new schools coming on board in September 2014. Please notify your 1st grade staff of the schedule below so they can plan accordingly. Staff can include but are not limited to, leadership staff, teaching team, and support staff as applicable.
Special note for existing schools, should you have any staff changes or new hires please pass on registration information to them as well.
Please click on the "Attend Event" button below and register to confirm your attendance.
Date: Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Time: 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Location: Bnos Zion of Bobov, 5000 14th Ave, 4th floor
Please make sure to arrive promptly.
Looking forward to see you there!
*The tentative schedule for Lakewood is Tuesday, August 26th @1:00pm at Yeshiva Orchos Chaim 410 Oberlin Ave S, Lakewood, NJ and for Monsey on Wednesday, August 27th @1pm at Bnos Yisroel Viznitz 229 Maple Ave Monsey, NY 10952.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via phone or email. We are here to assist you in your math teaching journey.
Have a great summer!
Sara Gitty Weiss, Program Author
Spots Educational Resources
(718) 306-9898 [email protected]